Friday, September 7, 2012

Flipped Classroom PLC Notes 9.4.12

We had our first meeting on September 4, 2012.  It was a great turnout despite some folks having open house that night because of hurricane day make-up.  There was a lot of enthusiasm and great discussion!  Here are my notes from the first meeting:

1.      Link to the Khan Academy website if you want to check it out.  This also has the video I mentioned yesterday in the meeting.
2.      Next meeting:  Monday, September 10, 2012 6:00 at Pam’s house. Read Chapters 3 & 4.  E-mail me your ideas about what to do about food.  
3.      Notes from yesterday:

In attendance:

1.       We began by sharing why we were at the meeting. 
a.       Interesting concept
b.      Way for AB Block students to be working with Spanish EVERY day
c.       Reduces number of students not doing homework
d.      Addresses needs of minority and low performing students
e.       Gives us more time for practice activities
f.        Allows us to have deeper relationship with students
2.      Nuts and Bolts Discussion
a.       How we inform administration & students & families
                                                               i.      Letter to Principals
                                                             ii.      Letter to parents
                                                           iii.      Permission form from parents
                                                           iv.      Discussion with your AP/Principal
                                                             v.      Introduce idea to students
1.      Make them feel special because they get to try something others don’t get to try
2.      Model exactly what’s expected
b.      What we’ll do with the data we gather
                                                               i.      Pam & Esther co-author a paper
                                                             ii.      Pam, Esther & Linda will co-present at SCOLT in March
                                                           iii.      Continue our work and expand if we like the concept
c.       The videos
                                                               i.      Meet our standards
                                                             ii.      Don’t forget the sprinkles & splashes
                                                           iii.      Length—long enough to get concepts across, short enough to keep attention (each America’s Got Talent audition is 90 seconds)
                                                           iv.      Cornell notes use—start now!  (see attachments)
                                                             v.      Model how to watch a video and how to complete Cornell notes (Linda will bring us some student examples)
                                                           vi.      Should only cover 1 objective at a time
                                                         vii.      We must avoid copyright infringement!
3.       Potential Problems
a.       Students who don’t have technology
                                                               i.      Can burn DVDs of videos
                                                             ii.      Can ask for donations of MP3 players
                                                           iii.      Can use computer, smartphones, MP3 Players, TV/DVD
b.       Students who aren’t motivated, don’t watch videos
                                                               i.      Make it very important for them—make it difficult if they don’t watch the video
                                                             ii.      Research shows that the rate of students completing homework (watching videos) increased rather than decreased after the flip
                                                           iii.      Increased time for individual help during class will help this situation
c.       Student videos (created by Spanish students around the world)
                                                               i.      Mistakes
                                                             ii.      Teacher previewing necessary
4.      Groups?  Because of the large number of participants, we may choose 2 or even 3 levels and units to create lessons
5.      Future Meetings:  Monday, September 10.  Leni may participate via Elluminate. 

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