Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Meeting 9.24.12

September 24, 2012

In attendance:  Pam Benton, Esther Gonzalez-Wright, Linda Santiago, Marlene Ricalde, Jane Cato

Book chat highlights chapters 7, 8 & 9

  1. Many of our questions were answered in these chapters.  It is reassuring to know that most of the discussions, potential problems and solutions that we came up with are so similar to the suggestions of the authors of the book.  
  2. We had a good discussion of the difference between simple flipping and the flipped mastery model.  The basic difference is that in a simple flip, content is delivered in an alternative way outside of class (through videos, for example or inquiry) and then the entire class proceeds at the same rate with the teacher as a facilitator.  In the flipped mastery model, the content is still delivered in an alternate way outside of class, but every student may proceed at his or her own pace and teachers group the students according to their needs in order to deliver “just in time” instruction, re-instruction and remediation.  This model works very well for those who are PEAK trained and use the parallel assessments and the fact that we have already developed parallel assessments will make further use of this process in the future much easier for us than it was for the book’s authors. 
  3. Many of the subjects that had come up naturally in our discussions of previous chapters were addressed in these chapters.  First, the issue of test integrity.  We have already discussed this issue and in our 1 unit flip, we’ll use the parallel assessments to ensure test integrity.  For those who will do the Flipped Mastery Model, we may password protect the tests so that teachers must put in the passwords in order for the students to take them.  Second, the issue of some students who don’t engage or who choose not to watch the videos at home.  We discussed alternatives for in class viewing for those students.  Each school has its’ own unique set of procedures and ways this might be addressed. 
  4. We liked the challenge at the end of the book that encourages us to go forth and change the face of education. 
Other discussion
  1. The district is requiring some extensive paperwork that Pam is filling out for the group.  She hopes to complete the packet this week and have it ready for submission.  She’ll share it with Jan when she’s done.  As soon as Jan’s edits have been made, she’ll sign it as our sponsor and we’ll send it in.  Although the county has some strict guidelines about project submission, etc., we hope to be able to start our Flips in early December or even a little earlier if possible.  All units should be completed before the end of February. 
  2. One of the concerns of the district is the student data and how it will be handled, reported, protected and destroyed.  Because we don’t anticipate sharing individual student data, this should not be a major concern of the district.  Each teacher will compare her flipped class data with another class that isn’t flipped—whether it be her own class, another class at the same school or at another school.  Teachers should not need to share any individual student data.  We may use quotes from students in our presentation or paper, but they will not be identified with names or schools.  In fact, Pam is asking that teachers not even report names and schools to her when they provide work samples and quotes.  They’ll be identified by grade level and level of study only.  For example:  “Student A, a 7th grader in Spanish 1 says, …” You’ll note that the Cornell Notes samples provided by Marlene were scanned so that student identifying information was simply not scanned.  Although we were unconsciously doing this already, we’ll continue consciously competent in the protection of our students’ personal information. 
  3. Pam asked for the level and period that each teacher plans to flip for inclusion in the packet.  Although Pam will participate in all the groups, she may or may not have the opportunity to participate in the flips depending on what students are assigned to her and when.  She hopes to be able to visit each Flipped classroom at least once to gather her own impressions and observations.  As of now the plans are to flip the following:
    1. Level 2 either unit 7 or 8 (Marlene & Esther & Pam)
    2. Level 3 unit 3  (Linda & Jane & Pam)
    3. Level 1 unit 3 (Laura & Linda & Pam)
  4. One of the items requested in the paperwork is any surveys that will be conducted.  Pam will complete a tech survey this week and distribute to the group for feedback so that we can go ahead and administer it and choose which classes lend themselves most readily to participation in the project.  This tech survey will be included in the packet Pam sends to the district. 
  5. The letters to the principal and to parents must follow a strict template from the district, so the letters Pam wrote before will be discarded and new letters following the district template will be written by Pam.  Pam asked teachers to provide her with some info about the schools. 
  6. Pam will devise a survey given to the teachers participating in the study to report (without individual student info) about the demographics of the students participating in the study.  This survey will also be attached to the paperwork. 

Next Monday the focus of our meeting will be gathering in our level groups and working with the Curriculum Guides and Standards to: 
  1.  Articulate the Learning Objectives for the unit that will be flipped.  We want to look carefully at the primary goals of each unit as well as the sprinkles, splashes and drips so that all are captured in what we are providing for the students.
  2. Decide on the summative assessments that will be used to demonstrate mastery of each objective.  We discussed choice boards as a possible assessment tool.  Pam & Linda will each share some differentiation info and we may ask Robbye Griet to share how she uses Choice Boards in her classes. 
  3. Decide on Formative assessments that will be used and how.
  4. Decide what resources will be provided for students to use in order to master the objectives.  Begin to gather those resources.
  5. Write a very detailed week-long lesson plan.  Include specific questions to ask the students to check for learning and mastery.  Remember to include checking the Cornell notes from student video watching, provide for flexible grouping, etc. Think through any problems, issues, difficulties that may be encountered.  Modify the plan.    
  6. Begin to build the “packet” that will be provided to students (and parents) for this unit. 
That’s a lot and won’t be accomplished in one session, of course.  We’ll also need to discuss how we proceed as a group from here.  It may be that each subgroup will choose to meet together a couple of times before we come back as a whole group again.  We’ll discuss this at the next meeting. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Meeting 9.17.12

In attendance:  Pam Benton, Esther Gonzalez-Wright, Marlene Ricalde, Carolina Escudero, Jane Cato, Laura Leocata

Discussion Highlights:  Chapters 5 Flipped Mastery Model & 6 of our book
  1. Underlying philosophy (all students can learn given enough time & support) Student should learn at his/her own pace.  Esther mentioned that this is what we aleady do with the parallel assessments and PEAK strategies. 
  2. Looking at our learning objectives:  We'll need to look at them carefully and some will need to be divided into subsets for video/resource purposes.
  3. Some assessment administration via computer will be possible (listening, reading, writing, intercultural), but the speaking assessments will need to be done on language labs or face to face. Jane shared her work with clickers on the SMARTBoard and how that quick interim assessment gives her data to use for planning remediation, reteaching or moving on. 
  4. Laura discussed the need for use of common assessments and the ability to share data with other teachers of the same language and level in her PLC at school.  Seminole High is expecting what we've been trying to promote for several years--true use of common assessments and sharing of data in an effort to improve practice across the board. 
  5. A pattern is beginning to emerge that includes organization of the students at the beginning of the period according to what they need to do that day.  Esther shared with us some of her experiences with organizing students for retesting using the parallel assessments. 
  6. We're lucky that our Curriculum Guidelines already provide us with the basics of the Standards-based learning objectives.  We need to figure out what concepts students should master via direct instruction from us (videos and 1-1 or small group work in class) and what they can learn on their own (inquiry based) through resources that we provide for them (PowerPoints, websites, teaching each other, etc.)
  7. We can use quia &/or MOODLE/POODLE to create multiple versions of the same assessment.  We briefly discussed the merits of each.  Quia provides a faster and easier way to create and grade assessments.  Moodle is integrated right into the gradebook.  
  8. We'll need to set up Organizational Guides for each unit of study.  If we use their template, we'll organize by learning objective and include references (book pages, powerpoints, websites, worksheets, videos, model Cornell notes, etc.)  Marlene shared her efforts with Cornell notes in her classes.  She brought some examples that were scanned and placed in the Cornell notes Resources folder in our MOODLE area.  In general, the boys liked the videos and Cornell notes system and the girls were less enthusiastic.  It will be interesting to see how things change over time!  
  9. We like the idea of use of interim formal and informal assessments that let students and us know immediately what they've learned and not learned.  This will allow for individual customization for each student without leaving the teacher with mounds of paperwork.  
  10. We need to request approval from principals and ask for their support with technology and connection to wi-fi in the school if students will be using their own technology.  
  11. We become the "Guide by the side" instead of the "Sage on the stage."  Exciting!
A question we still have:  If every student is learning at his own pace, what happens at the end of the year?  Some students will be well  beyond the expectations and some may be not at expectations yet???  How does this work?  Credit exams for middle schoolers could be more complicated.  What are the implications? 

Pam shared a sample parent consent form  and asked PLC members to look it over and make suggestions for changes. 

**Developments since the meeting:
  1. Pam completed and sent out (to the PLC for review) the letter to the principal
  2. Jan asked for some minor editorial changes to the letter  & the consent (her new title is Specialist, not Supervisor)
  3. Pam created a sample self-evaluation based on learning objectives on both MOODLE & Quia.com/web.  She asked teachers to look them over and give suggestions. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Flipped Meeting Notes 9.10.12

In attendance:  Pam Benton, Esther Gonzalez-Wright, Linda Santiago, Jane Cato, Carolina Escudero, Marlene Ricalde

Reading:  Chapters 3 & 4

                Chapter 3 Highlights:  have students bring in/use their own electronic equipment, parents will learn alongside their children

Chapter 4 Highlights:  Take it slowly, give yourself time, don’t create your own videos at first—use what’s already out there, AFTER trying this out and determining what works and what doesn’t, spend a year recording all your live, direct instruction, use material you’ve already created, use conversational videos with several teachers

Student advantages:  time management, ability to speed up or rewind the lesson, individual attention from the teacher, just-in-time instruction, know and understand standards, benchmarks, objectives, etc., learning is the goal (not assignment completion), no busywork—standards mastery, improved behavior, fill in background knowledge, parents can watch/learn at the same time

Bright ideas:  Project-based learning, Student created content, using the videos during teacher absences and for long-term subs.  

Equipment needs:  computer, microphone, speakers, tablet, Camtasia software, video camera, humor/jokes (at least, Pam has all these things at her house)

Next steps:  Read chapters 5 & 6 for the next meeting and be thinking about what class and level you want to “flip”.  We’ll divide into groups next time and start locating resources.  

The technology: 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Flipped Classroom PLC Notes 9.4.12

We had our first meeting on September 4, 2012.  It was a great turnout despite some folks having open house that night because of hurricane day make-up.  There was a lot of enthusiasm and great discussion!  Here are my notes from the first meeting:

1.      Link to the Khan Academy website if you want to check it out.  This also has the Ted.com video I mentioned yesterday in the meeting.  http://www.khanacademy.org/
2.      Next meeting:  Monday, September 10, 2012 6:00 at Pam’s house. Read Chapters 3 & 4.  E-mail me your ideas about what to do about food.  
3.      Notes from yesterday:

In attendance:

1.       We began by sharing why we were at the meeting. 
a.       Interesting concept
b.      Way for AB Block students to be working with Spanish EVERY day
c.       Reduces number of students not doing homework
d.      Addresses needs of minority and low performing students
e.       Gives us more time for practice activities
f.        Allows us to have deeper relationship with students
2.      Nuts and Bolts Discussion
a.       How we inform administration & students & families
                                                               i.      Letter to Principals
                                                             ii.      Letter to parents
                                                           iii.      Permission form from parents
                                                           iv.      Discussion with your AP/Principal
                                                             v.      Introduce idea to students
1.      Make them feel special because they get to try something others don’t get to try
2.      Model exactly what’s expected
b.      What we’ll do with the data we gather
                                                               i.      Pam & Esther co-author a paper
                                                             ii.      Pam, Esther & Linda will co-present at SCOLT in March
                                                           iii.      Continue our work and expand if we like the concept
c.       The videos
                                                               i.      Meet our standards
                                                             ii.      Don’t forget the sprinkles & splashes
                                                           iii.      Length—long enough to get concepts across, short enough to keep attention (each America’s Got Talent audition is 90 seconds)
                                                           iv.      Cornell notes use—start now!  (see attachments)
                                                             v.      Model how to watch a video and how to complete Cornell notes (Linda will bring us some student examples)
                                                           vi.      Should only cover 1 objective at a time
                                                         vii.      We must avoid copyright infringement!
3.       Potential Problems
a.       Students who don’t have technology
                                                               i.      Can burn DVDs of videos
                                                             ii.      Can ask for donations of MP3 players
                                                           iii.      Can use computer, smartphones, MP3 Players, TV/DVD
b.       Students who aren’t motivated, don’t watch videos
                                                               i.      Make it very important for them—make it difficult if they don’t watch the video
                                                             ii.      Research shows that the rate of students completing homework (watching videos) increased rather than decreased after the flip
                                                           iii.      Increased time for individual help during class will help this situation
c.       Student videos (created by Spanish students around the world)
                                                               i.      Mistakes
                                                             ii.      Teacher previewing necessary
4.      Groups?  Because of the large number of participants, we may choose 2 or even 3 levels and units to create lessons
5.      Future Meetings:  Monday, September 10.  Leni may participate via Elluminate.